The Cemeteries are full of indispensable people Sometime when you’re feeling important; Sometime when your ego’s in bloom Sometime when you take it for granted You’re the best qualified in the room,
Quest for Adventure It’s a book by Chris Bonnington that my old man had. I remember going to listen to a talk by Chris Bonnington with dad – it might have been the occasion he bought the book but I cant be sure. Anyway I inherited this book before dad passed – in other words I half-inched based on the presumption that he...
What is the speed of dark? This post is inspired by some of the discussions (mainly on Radio 5 Live) around Autism because its World Autism Awareness Week which, takes place between 26 March – 2 April 2018. With a brain that is wired differently you can have children asking questions like… “we know what the speed of light is so what is the speed of...
Beast from the east What with the snow and the very cold weather there’s still a couple of Inch’s outside!🤣 #gottowinmeaprizeofsomesort
The thief the cooking the books and his lover Its good to see the regulation and control in the financial industry has improved since the crash in 2008!!!!!!!! The Carillion share holders get paid dividends because if they don’t the share price will drop. The share prices drops because of mismanagement, the share holders get paid dividends because if they don’t the share price drops. A string of profit...